Monthly Archives: June 2014

The three boat lists

Some people are list people.  Some are not.  Eulalie has always used lists to drive action.  Eric, not so much.  Our boat project brought Eric and Eulalie together in many ways, including list keeping.  As we have traveled, we have found there are at least three types of boat lists.

The first–the project list–keeps us on task on the many little and big things needed to keep Elizabeth Jean seaworthy.

The second–the “Fun” list–we added to make sure we were not overwhelmed by the project list.

The most important list, however, was often hidden, but no less essential to embarking on our cruising life.

The third list consisted of all of our pre-cruising commitments and activities.  This list constituted our full and rich non-cruising life and included our jobs, volunteer work, musical pursuits, family and friends.  To create time and energy to cruise we needed to cut virtually all of these things (at least for a time).  There was no fat in this list, just muscle.  Consciously and unconsciously we ranked our commitments and rededicated our time to the work necessary to depart.

As we return to the States for the summer season, we welcome the opportunity to once again dust off the third list and reengage with family, friends and the activities we left behind to cruise.

photo (2)

This calendar and list was posted in Elizabeth Jean’s galley.  The post it shows the first Fun list we came up with as we counted down our days in San Diego before heading south to Mexico.  As those who have followed our post know, we have kept the Fun list alive and well as we have traveled.

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Becoming real: 2013-2014 Vessel personality award (attribution “The Velveteen Rabbit”)

As the Skin Horse explained to the Velveteen Rabbit, “Real isn’t how you are made.  It’s a thing that happens to you.  When a child loves you for a long, long time . . . you become Real.”  As we observe  in our Vessel personalities tab, some objects on Elizabeth Jean come to life over time.  How this happens has been a bit of a mystery to us, but we think the Skin Horse is on to something.

This year the coveted Vessel Personality Award goes to Perkins, our faithful British Perkins 4108 diesel engine.  Winds have been light and our reliance on Perkins has been correspondingly heavy.  He has performed as a true champion logging 690 engine hours since we left Seattle.  We  provide Perkins regular attestations of our love (in addition to the water and oil we feed him).  So by virtue of his efforts on Elizabeth Jean‘s behalf and our love, Perkins has become a Vessel Personality (with all the rights and privileges that pertain thereto).


Perkins, in all his glory.


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Sad parting: A Haiku

Sad parting: A Haiku

Bare poles; bagged sails below.

Elizabeth Jean rests, safe.

Dock lines hold; we leave.

EJ summer stowed 3

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“Parting is such sweet sorrow” (attribution Juliet and William Shakespeare)

Securing Elizabeth Jean consumes our last two weeks at Paradise Village.  The effort’s intensity almost consumes us as well.  Our cabin reaches 100 degrees and our energy and patience regularly flag.  Leaving Elizabeth Jean behind fills us with a sadness that won’t easily pass.  Yet, as we sit down in the air conditioned cab we feel relief’s cool sweetness.  Fifteen minutes brings us to the airport.  Four hours after lift off, we land at Los Angeles Airport.  Returning so quickly over a distance that took us months to cover gives us the mental equivalent of the bends.

Elizabeth Jean summer stowed2

  Our V berth holds two sails and our deck safety gear.  Tin foil, to keep the sun’s ray from entering the cabin darken Elizabeth Jean‘s cabin.

100+ degrees

Our cabin exceeds 100 degrees.


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“Which story do you prefer?” (attribution Pi)

As fans of the Life of Pi know, the above question’s answer is, “The story with animals is the better story.”  The quotation’s  featured animal is a Bengal Tiger, named Richard Parker, which is more than a bit out of place in the story’s marine setting.  Our ocean story, too, raises Pi’s question.  In 1996, Paradise Village accepted a rescued tiger from the Mexican government.  Another followed.  During the next 14 years, 76 tigers were born through 9 different females and 3 different males.  These tigers are now in zoos through out Mexico and South America.  As a 23 year volunteer of the Seattle Aquarium, Eulalie is very familiar with the different perspectives regarding captive animals.  Her work included carrying for marine mammals born at the Aquarium to rescued animals and their offspring.  We anticipate comments on this post that reflect these varied perspectives.  That said, we have appreciated the opportunity to view these spectacular creatures at such close quarters (although not as close as Pi to Richard Parker).


Paradise Village Marina and Resort’s tigers.


Up close and personal.


These two were not present during our stay.  Photo courtesy of Paradise Village.



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